The fluffy feets have landed on our healthy planet for a period of time. While immersed in their cutie attack, have you wholly perceived how to nourish these guys as well as take their full advantages?
Everything about maintaining a Pet NFT and its highlight feature - treasure hunting will be imparted to you in this article. Only a healthy Pet NFT can attend activities and help you earn $HEE. Pay attention!
Pet Nourish Guidelines
In order to keep a healthy and merry pet, users need to feed them regularly to fulfill Pet Statuses:
+ Belly: indicates pet health; has affect to Pet Mood.
+ Mood: indicate the pet’s active ability, and determine if a Pet NFT can join an activity or not.
- Users are encouraged to buy more food in the store of beFITTER app for reserve. You can also feed the Pet NFT anytime to maintain its balance condition.
- Each type of food will supply a specific amount of points:
1 Bone is equal to: + 4 Belly and +1 Mood to the Pet.
1 Snack is equal to: +4 Belly, +1 Mood and +2 Calo to the Pet.
*Calo point is used to increase Pet’s attributes*
- The belly and mood status is in the following range:
0 = Belly <= 20 points
0= Mood <= 20 points
*When Belly or Mood has reached its maximum, feeding will not render points increasing*
- The belly status will decline by 1 point per hour, and it has an impact on the mood status as the following:
+ If Belly status (< 10) -> Mood will decrease 1 point after each 2 hours.
+ If Belly status (=0) -> Mood will auto = 0.
+ If Belly status (>10) -> Mood is maintained, and the Pet is functional.
-> Invariably keep Pet's stats in good condition to get the most benefits.
How to feed the Pet NFT
- Step 1: Go to the Inventory section to choose a Pet NFT you want to feed.
- Step 2: Touch the Nourish option.
- Step 3: Choose a Pet status to add food on.
Once having a full belly, your pet is now so cheery, and even vigorous to join you in the treasure hunt. It's time it repays your kindness!
Treasure Hunt
The most exceptional feature of a Pet is fetching treasure back for users.
Pet will start hunting for treasures when the owner does activities (walk/run/cycle).
Each time active with a pet, the owner will have a chance to receive one of the follow treasures:
- $HEE.
- Pet food.
- Supreme Pet Backpack (for Supreme Pet only).
Condition for Pet NFT to hunt
- Pet Mood status (>=10).
- Pet is not in a resting condition.
- Users have to equip their shoe NFT.
The treasure drop rate is depended on the % accumulated by energy-consuming after a route with Pet NFT.
- If a Pet cannot fetch a treasure, the % accumulated by energy will remain for the next route.
- If a Pet successfully fetches a treasure:
The % accumulated by energy will return to 0.
Pet is put in 24 hours of Resting.
Idle Earnings: Pet Supreme NFT still can help FITTERs earn an amount of $HEE while resting.
To enhance the hunting process, the owner should focus on growing their Pet NFT.
Pet Grow Up
Benefits of growing function
- Raise Pet NFT’s ability to find the most valuable treasures.
- Increase the range of Calo Point to add to Pet Attributes.
- Users will need both $HEE and $FIU to conduct the pet NFT grow up process.
- The cost of growing up is different in terms of maturity level and type of pet.
- There are 20 maturity levels of a pet. You can only level up sequentially and cannot skip any levels.
- Level of maturity has an impact on the range of calo points as the following:
+ Increase the range of calo points that can be added to pet attributes.
+ If you don't use up to the range of calo points, the amount of range will be accumulated after each maturity level.
How to grow up?
- Step 1: Go to your inventory and choose a pet you want to grow up.
- Step 2: Click in detail Pet -> Choose the grow up option.
- Step 3: Confirm the grow up process.
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